Friday, February 23, 2007

Porn pop-up teacher gets new attorney, PC World outs juror

From downloadsquad:

Julie Amero, substitute teacher and convicted porn-pop up purveyor, has finally
gotten a tiny break in her favor. Connecticut criminal defense lawyer William
Dow has stepped in and offered help to Julie Amero. The Norwich Bulletin -- the
same paper that did such a terrible job of covering the case up to this point,
convicting Julie Amero in print and circulating its uneducated drivel to a
technophobic and Internet illiterate readership -- reports that Dow has offered
pro-bono assistance to Mrs. Amero and will likely file a formal request for
postponement of her March 3rd sentencing in order to review the facts of the
case. Dow is a well respected criminal defense attorney who, according to
Amero's lead attorney John Cocheo, has joined the team because, "he sees it as
an injustice that this happened. I think it's a moral issue for him."

Read the rest here.

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