Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blast from the past...

This old post is from Monday, February 05, 2001 and is brought you to by the Internet Archive.

Tots and Parents...- Damar @ 3:10 am PST
This happen here while back and I just got around to posting it.
My little cousin is out spoken. She will tell you what's on her mind. Some times, she'll just crack you up.

One of the few days I was home from work, I decided that I was going to pick her up from school. (She's in 1st grade I think.) I wasn't to sure of where I was suppose to pick her up at so I was looking around the campus. When I found her I was 5 minutes late. I felt bad so on the way home I asked her if she wanted a soda. She said yes so I asked her what did she want. "Pepper" came the reply. So I said out loud, "ok, Dr. Pepper." After I said that she let out a sigh and with a strait face said: "Why does every think I want a Dr. Pepper when I say 'I want a pepper,' maybe I just want a pepper?" I laughed so hard, I almost cried.

Friday Mom dropped me off at the auto shop to pick up my car (more on this later). On the way we stopped by the school to pick up my cousin. While we were parked and waiting for her, she started talking about how the schoolyard had changed since she was in school. Somehow we got on the topic of the trees that was between the parking lot and the schoolyard. Mom said something along the lines that they should move them so that parents could see when their children were coming. I answered her with the fact that they didn't want other people watching them. She agreed with this statement: "True. I guess then kids with sniper rifles couldn't see them that easily."

The only reason I mention this conversation with my Mom is to point out how out of touch some people are. Kids with sniper rifles? (Pushes sniper case under the bed) Handguns would be more believable.

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