Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Even More Wordle

Diary of Jane
by Breaking Benjamin

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

Pain by 3DG

More Wordle

Riot By 3DG

"'Addicted' by Saving Abel" Wordle

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

News you can't use, nor should you want to

iphone3g_04With the news that the Jesusphone 2.0 sunofiPhone the iPhone 3G is going to priced at $199 for the 8GB model and $299 for the 16GB model, Awesome Girlfriend has informed me that if I don't get it myself before hand, I would get it for my birthday this year. I am so stoked, but I doubt I will get it the day it come out. The Rumor Mill has it that you have to activate it in the store so that will add like 10-15 min each. I believe it is going to be similar to what it was a year ago line-wise.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


originally uploaded by A Posh Sentinel.
Just... odd....

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blast from the past...

This old post is from Monday, February 05, 2001 and is brought you to by the Internet Archive.

Tots and Parents...- Damar @ 3:10 am PST
This happen here while back and I just got around to posting it.
My little cousin is out spoken. She will tell you what's on her mind. Some times, she'll just crack you up.

One of the few days I was home from work, I decided that I was going to pick her up from school. (She's in 1st grade I think.) I wasn't to sure of where I was suppose to pick her up at so I was looking around the campus. When I found her I was 5 minutes late. I felt bad so on the way home I asked her if she wanted a soda. She said yes so I asked her what did she want. "Pepper" came the reply. So I said out loud, "ok, Dr. Pepper." After I said that she let out a sigh and with a strait face said: "Why does every think I want a Dr. Pepper when I say 'I want a pepper,' maybe I just want a pepper?" I laughed so hard, I almost cried.

Friday Mom dropped me off at the auto shop to pick up my car (more on this later). On the way we stopped by the school to pick up my cousin. While we were parked and waiting for her, she started talking about how the schoolyard had changed since she was in school. Somehow we got on the topic of the trees that was between the parking lot and the schoolyard. Mom said something along the lines that they should move them so that parents could see when their children were coming. I answered her with the fact that they didn't want other people watching them. She agreed with this statement: "True. I guess then kids with sniper rifles couldn't see them that easily."

The only reason I mention this conversation with my Mom is to point out how out of touch some people are. Kids with sniper rifles? (Pushes sniper case under the bed) Handguns would be more believable.

Monday, May 19, 2008

This is an image test

Just a test...


By the way, is the book I'm currently "reading"...

The long over due update

Well, it has been a little over half a month since getting up here. And the last two weeks have been, well, trying. I really don't want to go into it, but lets just say things have been worked out and are much better; they are the way I pictured it would be.

I am currently working at Wasinger Tech. They own and run and MyLot. I make text ads. I don't really know if I like it, but the working environment is nice. I get to wear jeans and get free soda. Eh, what can I say?

Anyway, Diana and I are in the middle of watching The Tudors and Battlestar Galactica. Yes, I got Diana to watch Battlestar Galactica, and she really likes it. More so that The Tudors. I love this girl ;).

I'll update more later. I swear.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Can I has job?

Start new job Monday. Going to be staying with a buddy of mine until we can move into our Studio Apt next Saturday.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Death of White Castle

Has anyone else seen and/or heard these commercials for White Castle? Death prefers to eat at White Castle. Don't think I'm going there anytime soon.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

No pix for you!

Looks like I won't be adding any images to this any time soon.

Today I applied for a McJob. Yay me.

Word Image Test

Well, let's see if this works…

Friday, March 28, 2008


I just got done helping my sister & cousin move. We got the big stuff moved, the couch, the beds, etc., so now all they got is the entertainment center, the kitchen table , Sis's computer table and a lot of boxes. Pretty sure they should have it done by the start of the weekend, seeing how my cousin's and my parents are down there helping.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Maybe I Should Have Waited a Month

One more month and it would have been a full year between posts.

I'm going to try to post more often, and shit. Shitting good. But not at the same time. Partly cause its gross, but partly cause I don't have a laptop, notebook, or the Jesus Phone. But let me get back on track.

Awesome Girlfriend and I are still together, but it has been a rocky road the last few months. Let me go back to August-September. Awesome Girlfriend (eh, I just like the sound of it, and I'm sure she would) and I decided that in the coming February, I would move with her into St Louis. This did happen, but not in February. On November 8th, I was terminated from my job of five years at Gerbe's/Dillions. Since it didn't make much since to get a job, then turning around and quit to move to St Louis, AG and I decided to move early. I started my new job at Ladue Pharmacy, LLC on December 7th. I went from making $12.35, to $11.50 an hour.

Let me talk about the new apartment a bit. Its a nice place, large living room, separate dinning room, one bedroom and a good size kitchen. Some how, before we got the place, while we were calling to get an idea about the utillies, we were told that the gas bill would be about $60 per month on average. Our 1st bill was $255. The 2nd was $319. And the latest was $288. Now, all of these do include a $50 deposit that gets added for the first four months. So we are looking at $205, $269, and $238. Those are still much higher than the $60 we where thinking. So this caused some financial problems, as you could imagine.

At this point in the game, we are looking for someone to sublease from us as we are going to be moving to KC. AG has an internship there and they are paying for her housing. So we thought it would be cool not to have any bills at all. So we got that going.

A week or so ago, AG found out that parents are splitting. We knew that this was going to happen sooner or later, but it doesn't make it any easier. That added more stress. All while having to study for her upcoming Exam in June.

And to top it all off, that job at Ladue, yeah, I got let go from that. Didn't fit in. It's fine, I didn't like the job much anyway. Way to much of a factory than a pharmacy. So, now I'm jobless, and now the money situation is worse than before.

Then it hit me. I can't continue like this anymore. I Have To Go Back To School. Its been bugging me for the last few years that I never finished my Degree at LSTC. So thats what I'm going to do. That and post on here more.