Friday, March 02, 2007

This week is... not so good

When you think you are getting somewhere.

I did my taxes myself. That is not a problem in and of itself. I did them last year with no issue and decided that it would be as easy and as fast if I did them again on my own this year. Everything went smoothly. Of course, the only item to have a problem is something that I didn't do last year. The problem occurred when I decided to do direct deposit. I got the routing number from ING where I have a savings account (that gets 4.5%! Oh yeah!) and entered in my account number. What I thought was my account number; I entered in my costumer number. So that will add about 2-3 weeks before I get my refund and not the 23 of February like I was hoping.

I also found out today I got my time sheet in late last week so I don't have a paycheck this week. I was under the mistaken impression that they were turned in to corporate on Monday morning. Before last week, I had been turning them in on Saturday. Last weekend, I ended up working on Sunday, so I waited until then to turn that in. As I found out today, it gets turn in on Sunday mornings. I turn it in, maybe, 3-4 hours late.

So all I have is my mileage check, which was $128. I already took $75 out to cover the late fees for rent that I can't pay until next weekend. That leave me with $53. Luckily I am on a half a tank of gas, and not on E.

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