Saturday, July 01, 2006

You’re promised Wednesday update, on Sunday…

The title is mostly for Swabby, seeing how I told him I was going to update this on Wednesday, but I am just now getting around to it. There you go, you bastard.

There is nothing really new to report about me and school yet. The only news of interest would be that I got all my paper work for student loans filled out. I also decided that while I’m down there, I’m going to try to get a part-time job there at the school.

Christina, on the other hand has decided not to go back this year. I personally do not like this but she is an adult and can make up her own mind.

Oh, speaking of the loans reminds me, I’m seriously thinking about getting one of them new MacBooks with my student loans. Traveling back and forth from Jefferson City and Union, I do think that getting a notebook would be real handy. Also, I’ve always wanted to play around with the Mac OS, and this will give me a chance to and still run Windows at the same time. How can I beat that? (With that, I’m expecting you, Mr. Swabby, to say, “With a stick!”)

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