Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A late update/test

A test

I just downloaded the beta for Office 2007. Besides liking the fact that they went back to using the year as its version, I do like the layout, or The Ribbon™, as they call it. I am right now testing the blogging feature. If this works, it will be a great little feature.

An update

Been awhile since I’ve updated, so I should let you all know what is going on.

Last Wednesday, I got signed up for classes. This semester, I’m only talking 8 credit hours and will be in class one Tuesdays and Thursdays. With this schedule, I don’t have to really quit my job and move down there. But Christina still will. Her A+ will only take effect if she goes to school full time. She is still planning on finding a place with Lacey.

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